Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chapter 3: The Old Underground Base

Where are we Dave? Bob said. Dave said:"A lab or something". "Will we be stuck here?" Bob said "I don't know. Wait, I hear something". It was a muttering. They went closer and it got louder until it was in front of them. It was a police officer, but he was stuck with a rope around him and a bandanna around his mouth. Dave said: "Wait, it may be a trap. What if it's a bandit?" Bob said:"I don't know". They both went closer and fell in a hole and the bandit chief was over the hole and said: "So you fell for it". They were not only stuck, but Bob fell on his phone and it broke. Dave said: "What do we do?" Bob said: "Look a bomb is hanging on the ceiling. We need some sort of metal." So Dave looked around and saw a piece of an old car and pulled it out of the ground and put it over the hole. Bob saw a pistol and got it and shot the bomb once. Dave was very fast so he put the metal over them. The force made the bad guys fall and they were knocked out. Dave put his hands sideways and Bob put his feet on Dave's hands and pushed Bobs foot up to the top. Bob got hold of the top but Dave was still in the hole. So Bob leaned over the side of the hole and Dave grabbed his hands.
End of chapter 3 .
Alert, Alert, Alert - I am making a place for kids, with games and other fun stuff.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

chapter 2 the run

wen bob and Dave wer in the ally. 10 of the bandits were there so thay called 911. well They wor but thay got them before thay got too call 911. and so thay were tide to a post. and left them. so someone freed them thay wer rubbing of there clothing wen. thay lookd up no one was there so then thay ran out of the ally. thay seen that guy so thay ran after him. so then around the coner thay went. just wen that were around the corner no one was. there thay gave up so thay calld a taxi went too the 911 base. thay told them what happened so thay sent 7 of there men too go there. then bob and dave went to thare homes. the next day 911 called and sayd come too the ally. theres some thing you should see so bob told dave and thay both went wen thay got there the headpolice sayd.your here.bob sayd yes now what is it you want to show us.well 1 of r police sat down on a stone chair but it was not just a chair there was a button on it.ya so. ya so that means there is a secret passege.o i get it thay went down i big tube wen thay pressd it but then thay sasyd wow.end of chapter 2 the run wait for chapter 3 the older undergrund base

Monday, October 6, 2008

chapter 1 the start

you remember me, Bob and my Friend Dave we are both in this new book and a few new guys!okay now here's how it started first, last time i got $100.00 dollars so i got a big big big big big big big place and my Friend Dave comes too it. all of a suddenly we heard a thump outside we ran too the door, *creak* we opened a door and outside we saw a car that crashed we were thinking is this a start of a new mystery? we went too the car he was still alive so we went too the police station they said nothing was wrong, was it? We were not there or did he just crash? so we went back too my place and then we seen a letter on my door it said; "go away or some thing bad is going to happen! So we got a little tiny bit scared but were thinking we are supposed too figure this out, so we went to the guy that crashed his name was "Nick" so we ask him how he crashed so then he said "i have too go" so then Dave went too the door don't go said bob how did you crash? so nick said well this guy said if i don't crash then he will do some thing bad so then we ask what was his name nick said he did not tell me but his old hide out was in the ally so then we went too the ally? we said; oh no. if you want too know what the rest is place read chapter 2 of the run see you next time.

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