Tuesday, January 22, 2008

chapter 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well the tow people went to Bob and Thea head a shack in there hands and Thea worked
for the bad guy so Bob went to the store keepers place but the door was locket
so Bob went to his car and he went to his House and He locket his doors to
so Bob Thot that jest in case i sod bot this in front UV mi door. end UV chapter 4


Matt n Amanda said...

what did the people do with the thing in their hands? Did they hurt bob? Dind they run after Bob? I hope that he will be ok but it is really good that he put a blot on the door.
You write good stories caleb and I cant wait to hear chapter three! Love you lots and lots
Amanda and matt

sugarnuggets said...

Wow chapter 4 already! I should get on the ball and keep up with this adventure. It's all happening so fast!!!

I'm glad Bob thought to lock his doors, I think that's what I would do too!

I hope chapter 5 is ready soon. Phew...the suspense of it all...

Love ya, Tante Tetcy

Karen Nieuwhof said...

You are quite the story teller Caleb. Very good to keep your readers in suspense. I'm always wondering what's going to happen next.
I bet Bob was scared. I'm glad he locked his doors. Scary!

Love Tante Karen

Do you want to try to beat my score ? Mine is 275 now

Verti Golf2