Monday, January 21, 2008

chapter 3

Well Bob seen that the police lights were from a car crash. So Bob took
a closer look and the police man told Bob that they both blinked.
So Bob thought well I blink wen I scared the squirrel. So there is a bad guy out
End of chapter 3.
This is what the squirrel looks like. Click Here!


The Nieuwhofs said...

I hope no one got hurt in the carcrash.
Now there is a bad guy out there? This is getting exciting!
Can't wait to here more.
Love, DAD

Matt n Amanda said...

I loved the picture of the squirrel! That was neat that you could do that! Was anyone hurt in the car crash. I hope Bob stays safe and doesnt get hurt from the bad guy out there. Love you lots and I liked reading your story!
Love Amanda

Tineke Aaron and Cassie said...

A car crash and a bad guy on the loose out there, sounds like there's still more to this story...
HOpe Bob stays safe too.
Have a great week.
Love Tante Tineke, Aaron and Cassie.

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Oh no! I hope everyone is safe. What's the bad guy going to do?
That was great to see a picture of the squirrel. So cute!

Do you want to try to beat my score ? Mine is 275 now

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